Here’s a solution I’ve used on a project to add a user switcher dropdown with typeahead search to a navbar. It uses the pg_search gem for Postgres full-text search.
There are a lot of blog posts out there with similar solutions, with terms like: typeahead, autocomplete, autosuggest, instant search.
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'; import debounce from 'lodash.debounce'; export default class extends Controller { static targets = ['form', 'query', 'loading', 'results']; static classes = ['hide']; initialize() { = debounce(, 200).bind(this); } process() { if (this.queryTarget.value == '' || this.queryTarget.value.trim().length >= this.minCharacters) { this.loading();; } } loading() { this.hide(this.resultsTarget);; } search() { this.formTarget.requestSubmit(); } show(target) { target.classList.remove(this.hideClass); } hide(target) { target.classList.add(this.hideClass); } get minCharacters() { return 2; } }
The live search controller uses debounce to limit requests to every 200ms. The process() function ensures that the search will not fire if the input is empty or 2 characters or less.