This set of Sidekiq workers queries a set of email digest subscribers and performs a fan-out to send email to each subscriber as a separate job.
class DigestSender include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(digest_id, subscription_id) digest = Digest.find(digest_id) subscription = Subscription.find(subscription_id) return if subscription_unsendable?(subscription) user = subscription.user return if user_unsendable?(user) if DigestMailer.digest(user, digest).deliver_now subscription.touch(:last_sent_at) end end def subscription_unsendable?(subscription) subscription.sent_recently? || subscription.unsubscribed? end def user_unsendable?(user) user.blank? || end end
This worker loads the digest, subscription, and user, checks if the email can be sent, and if it can, sends the email, touching the last_sent_at timestamp.